New body of Nalitabari Upazila Club President Saiful, Secretary Jahangir

Sherpur Correspondent: A new committee of “Nalitabari Upazila Press Club” of Sherpur district has been formed. Based on the proposal and support of the journalists present in the Taraganj Pilot High School auditorium of the upazila, a 3 (three) year committee was formed.
Md Saiful Islam and Md Jahangir Alam Talukdar were made President and General Secretary respectively. Among others 17 member committee bodies were formed.
Others of the newly committee are- Executive President Lal Mohammad Shahjahan Kibria, Assistant General Secretary Abul Kashem, Organizing Secretary Arup Chandra Debnath Kamal, Finance Secretary Abu Ilyach Saddam, Office Secretary Md Nazmul Hasan Nayan, Literary Sports and Cultural Secretary Al-Amin, executive members Zahirul Islam Bhutto, Md Moniruzzaman Monir and Milan Sheikh; General Members Md Aminul Islam, Md Hyder Ali, Md Hadiul Islam, Md Rabiul Islam, Md Manwar Hossain and Md Shah Jahan.